Happy Earth Day, folks! Though, as you'll read, I'm a firm believer in an "earth day every day" kind of motto for living in and interacting with the natural world. As part of my involvement as a moderator of an online movement for women in the field of horticulture called @WomenInHort, myself and our other two moderators decided to share a few words on what Earth Day really means to each of us. My hope is that my sentiments may resonate with you as you navigate your gardening journey!

While I don’t work full time in the industry, I do spend every chance I get dirt-streaked in the garden, enjoying its seemingly endless bounty of flowers and food, and observing the many species of birds, butterflies, bees, and reptiles that call my backyard ecosystem home. Since moving back to Central Florida, I’ve found solace in the bio-diversity that exists in my tiny urban corner of the world - a constant reminder of how precious our natural resources really are and of how little it takes to support them. I’m also passionate about hiking and trail running, both of which help me commune with nature and appreciate the many wild plants, creatures and habitats that comprise our awe-inspiring planet.

For me, every day is Earth Day. Period. I do my best to grow organic, adjust my expectations, and protect the natural spaces I care for and visit often. My hope is that, especially now at a time when so many of us are rediscovering the outdoors, that we can remember that this planet isn’t here for our unchecked entertainment, but that we are partners in its continued development. Keep it kind, keep it clean, keep it wild, keep it green. And as always, grow on!

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